Monday, 27 August 2012

You, Me and this thing called Destiny!

 You are what your deep driving desire is,
What your desire is, So is your will
What your will is, So is your Deed
What your deed is, So is your Destiny

You would be what your destiny is.

So here I'm again. Yes again and i added emphasis in that word.
So hows your dream going? well mine still going good, still trying to get out of my nest and get on location (if you know what i mean). Sometimes it's easily said then done but you've gotta start somewhere, if you think just dreaming about it or talking about it is not start anything than you're wrong. You don't have to get things done physically to say you are progressing, the biggest progress in achieving your dream is to talk about it to someone and dream about it more.. believe me this kicks in the motivation(and you need motivation to proceed).

Well this week is something... the humble astronaut Neil Armstrong whom is the first man to step on the moon has died (which we all know). He has avoided the spotlight many times saying what he did is not only done by him but with the help and knowledge of many staffs in the control room and from experiences of cosmonauts who have made earlier discoveries. Well i must say he has achieved his dreams not to step on the moon but the dream to fly.

Did you know that he got his pilot license at the age of 16 before he could even drive a car. He always want to be a pilot after he sat in an aeroplane at the tender age of 6. The hopes of becoming a pilot made him thrive well in mathematics and engineering, guess he was born in the right place huh? I mean with that dream to be a pilot one day can easily be achieved when you have the industry around you. Imagine someone like that growing up in the war stricken area of Syria or in Africa. Anyway the fact about Armstrong is his goals led him to greater heights beyond his believe and that is to lead the mission to the moon. Did you know that your home PC is 10 times stronger than the computers used in  the shuttle and they are huge unlike now we have laptops and notebooks (insane). So all the thinking and navigation has to be done by the pilot and those on the ground, one mistake is vital because unlike now the computers can not correct your calculations.
Okay before i go on forever about space stuffs this post is not about NASA. Its about people making their dreams come true, some by pursuing it from the start some just by chance. People like Armstrong i believe made history just by chance he was already living in his dream as a pilot and participating in the war as member of the US Air force and then NASA released the hunt for men fit for the mission to the moon and he just happen to fit the bill just like the first man to orbit the earth Cosmonaut Yuri Baragin. Destiny can reveal your biggest leap in life it's something we have no control of. But how do we make sure that kind of destiny comes our way.

Firstly What is Destiny?
Wikipedia definition states that Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos.

Well don't mind the cosmos or the eccentric words behind the origins of the definition above. In my definition Destiny or fate is something that happens for a reason or crossing paths with something or someone that is not considered a coincidence. Have you ever wondered how destiny led you to meet people you now call your friends. How do we know if destiny led you and not pure luck. I mean eventually you have to meet someone and they are going to be your friends so that can't be destiny...right? Well my friend i would like to introduce to you the 3 golden ways you can identify your destiny calling.

1) When your path crossed several times on your field of interest.
Meaning if you happen to be at the wrong place but on the right time or the other way around. Like you never actually planned to be there but something tells you, you should and then you come across an opportunity that you just can't afford to let down.. (something like that). Sometimes you will realize that destiny is like the french term 'De ja vu' you will see or think you saw the past repeating itself in front of you, and the strong feeling like you've been here before when in reality you didn't or feel like you say those words once and doing this once when in reality it's the first time for everything. Destiny made it clear that this feeling is all you because you want it so bad. And it is calling you.

2) When several options are laid out for you and among them is you field of interest.
   It will be hard to chose one and leave the other cause all of the options are good maybe good    money, travel or more fun. Destiny is calling you to choose, take note that these opportunities comes rarely so maybe you should put into consideration things like how long you wanted this to happen? Do i want this or do i need this? If i choose the other one will i be denying my field of interest? Dude, the only person you will be denying is yourself? But you have to remember sometimes what you are interested in right now, will only lead you to what you will settle down with in the future and that's the role of destiny. Every twist and turns have its reason. Let me tell you this Destiny is more revealing when there is a cross road in your life.

3) When you can make sense of a situation.
I like this one, because its true. You will know that destiny is calling when you make good sense of the experience or environment around you , if you can't make sense of it don't force it you are absolutely doing the wrong thing or at the wrong place in other words 'lying to yourself'. Remember destiny or fate is something we can not decide on.... its not even physical. But here's the fact, when you feel comfortable with your life and feel like this is it then that's your destiny.
For example have you seen the film 'Machine Gun Preacher'?
 Its so cool, OK briefly. This guy was once a drug addict and after coming out of prison and a few more troubled experiences he chose to follow his wife and became a christian. Anyway he went to Africa following a mission and ended up falling involve with the poverty stricken area and homeless orphan children in the war zone. He later on built an orphan center to house those unfortunate children till now that's what he continued to do. The center burnt several times but still he continued. He finally settled with his destiny. Going to Africa was not a mistake it was deliberate. You should watch that movie.

So i hope my post is clear as the crystals on the Himalayas. Its all based on my findings from the research i conducted ever since i know my!!! Hope it will help you to acknowledge your true calling.

                                        Digest this!!

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