When you are you!!!
The truth about my blogs is i post what i like and like what i post... I tend to be more open and to tell you the truth as you can see I'm more focused on dreams and people with big dreams. Like really big, big dreams. While typing this i got myself thinking also "How the heavens am i gonna be what i call ....my dream job, in the future?"
You have no idea what I'm talking about do you? Good it means you have to follow me on my recent posts. Everyone knows something right? and I'm sure what you know or you think you know will eventually build you and others who know nothing.
Well enough with the intro!
Today's post is all about YOU!!
Check out the dialogue:
Adele: Why are you wearing blue?
You: What? I like Blue
Adele: No you don't, you practically hate the color ever since you caught your ex wearing a sexy blue strapless dress in the club kissing some other guy. That's how bad you hate blue
You: Guess its my way of saying, I'm with someone now
Adele: You know that isn't true
You: How would know?
Adele: I'm your flat mate, there ain't a girl sneaking around the apartment since U KNOW WHO. Besides you're not the type of guy who heals quickly Ive seen how you go down
You: You right i hate this color, I'll change
Adele: Wait. Maybe its time you meet someone new
You: What are you talking about?
Adele: You know what the hell I'm talking about
You: Lets go party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell in the dialogue that they are friends for a very long time. Connecting to each other like siblings. The point is you have no idea how the person beside you knows you better. I have a personality i really hate and I'd do everything in my will to get rid of it. The strength to listen and admit that I'm wrong. I hate saying words like "You're right" or "I was wrong" but I'm grateful i get to say those word without a grudge now. Because i accept being me. But it doesn't made me perfect but hey, there is light at the end of the tunnel when you are being YOU!!
Honestly all those High School moviessss are wrecking innocent minds right now. Full of Wannabes and Fakers. Just because the girl in front of you is way better looking then you and is going out with the hottest boy in class doesn't mean you have to go on a shopping spree to get a new wardrobe (Strictly girls). Or if the fresh faced guy in your office is attracting many women with his Dolce suit and Rolex watch doesn't mean you have to save up for a Ferrari. Although you know tides will turn for you with the short dress- to- impress trick BUT the real you will find a way to come out eventually and oh boy....you don't want that to happen coz....it will crash you down. BOOOM!!
Tides do turn in life but let it turn at its own time. Be cool don't rush it.
Why being YOU is Significant!!
Three Golden Reasons and it revolves around the real thing...DREAMS or GOAL.
- To be YOU, will give you a whole new perspective of the world known as Honesty. And when you are chasing a far fetched dream, pretending will slowly smother you. If you know what i mean. Honestly with honesty you've got nothing to hide.
- When you are you , you will discover yourself more completely and adjust the personality you dislike by accepting comments from others. But don't take every comments personally some people will try to bring you down simply to change you. So its good to always get a second opinion especially from close friends.
- When you are you, you will find the ego or the rush to pursue your dreams. When you realize your dream or your goal take action by doing something. Anything that makes you feel a step closer to it. And you will hear yourself saying "Wow is this me?" Take a good look coz that's the real you and YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT!!
Drifters go round in circles to discover who they are or what they want in life. Its OK to be a drifter but take this, a drifter without a dream or goal is useless, waste of time and there no happy endings to this. You will die drifting. YOU NEED TO DREAM!!

Gobble this:
If other people are commenting on you with pressure than you should act and think about changing yourself. In every people the best is deep within, it takes time and influence to bring the best out.
DON'T CHANGE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO. CHANGE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO. CHANGE LIKE YOUR WHOLE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. then you can say hello to the real you..the new you but never the perfect you......(there is never a perfect person). But what the hell! As long as you reach your goals right?...Whatever.
Believe me it works even better when YOU ARE YOU!!
Thanks for reading!! Hope it helps you and the person hiding in YOU!! Cheerio!
Digest this iconic words!!! |
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