Well hey there!!
If you haven't followed my recent post then you will have absolutely no idea what I'm typing about or where I'm heading at. I was hoping, hoping and thousand times hoping to attract many young readers who have doubts about their future. Hey I've crossed that line you're not alone mate!!
Recently touching on the word Mindset! i do hope i got you thinking. Anyway, without the real connection you will still find yourself in a maze. This is what i like to call "MAIN CHAINS".
All of our thoughts and dreams have connections, in your spare time draw it up. Write down your goals and interests in life and things you really enjoy as a teenager look back, way back and wwaaaaaayyyyy back when you were a cute little child.... you might see you still enjoy something you enjoyed a lot as a child.. I'm not talking about your cutenesssss. Don't let it get through your head..... I'm talking about some of your childhood interest, though it is said that when we were children we think like children... I like to put it this way when WE WERE CHILDREN WE DID THINGS LIKE CHILDREN. You get my connection? We can still do those things but like adults or in a more mature way. If Tony wants to be a fireman at the age of 5, he'd be wearing costumes and playing with the garden hose. 10 years later, he'd be hitting the gym working on his abs and attending talks held by community's fire service. And he'll more likely to be a volunteer and lets not forget he'd be filling out an application form as soon as he graduated. Some 10 years later he quits the service and joins Rescue Ops, wheres the connection? He like rescuing people and be the hero of the day. Now that is his "MAIN CHAIN".
In other words its just a way to make it sensible... And in life Sensible has to be your friend. Like close, coz if you can't make sense of anything you will continue to ask yourself this stupid question "Why did i do that?"...
Thats the main reason why in your Dreaming map or your personal goal achieving web you need a MAIN CHAIN!!!
Apologies i was going to show you my dream map or goal web i drew up the other night unfortunately i misplaced my notepad. Damn i really did put a lot of color into it. Anyway i'm still gonna tell you how its done.
Step 1
- Think about what your goal is
- Think about what you are doing now
Step 2
Answer questions like
- Is what I'm doing now gonna help me achieve my goal or am I drifting away from it?
- Am I being honest to myself?
- Who am I lying to?
What 2 do!!
Draw on a blank A4 paper a circle in the middle and in that circle write your dream job. Outside the circle write your present activities or studies or job you are doing now. Try to make sense of it why you are doing it and try to connect it towards the circle in the middle. You will be looking at your Goal web with your sets of Main Chains. Sometimes it takes days to complete coz you will need to think critically. If you can't find the connection towards the circle than you are a drifter. Meaning you are still confused what to write in the circle.

Find your reason why it matters to you. That is your link in connecting to your main chains. Like the blue link in this picture.
Note: Be realistic a dream job or goal is something you are struggling to achieve. Something that is real. If you write things like "Must Marry Prince Harry" then think again you need a bigger paper for that.....hahahahahahaha i mean. No Offense. Write a kiss list instead.
Now i hope this information does help you. I will show you my goal web if i find it. If not than I'll write another new one.. Keep on following this blog and lets drift together!! Be a follower and you can also be a guest blogger. If you think you have some advices or personal experience on achieving your goal then be a follower you can blog with me.
Enjoy the clip below. It's one of my favorite motivating songs i listening to.. Gavin Degraw "I don't wanna be anything"
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