Mindset? Mind set? What do i for one know about minds let alone sharing it with you. Well this is what i like to call REALITY-FICATION..
Kinda like what the Wall street is calling "OPRAHFICATION" knowing the truth and dealing with it by
publishing it for everyone to read or see (taken from Oprah Winfrey's name and her Famous Talk Show). In my "Realityfication" i publish what i know about life and learn about life because I've been living in this planet earth for 22 years now.. what? Honestly What?! think its not long enough to be wise? Well my sentiment exactly but the truth is, you never know what you know now could help build some other person who is having doubt with just about everything in L.I.F.E (Living It For Ever or thinking of Leaving It For Eternity).
This post is all about Mindset!
Mind is powerful and can be uncontrollable. You may think you own your mind but in some ways you own only 70 percent logically speaking. So who owns the remaining 30 percent. Your Mind. Ever heard of the term "Split Personality?" In Wikipedia it is defined as Dissociative identity disorder (DID), also known as multiple personality disorder, wikipedia described it as a mental disorder characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
Big films like Hide and Seek starring Robert DeNiro and Dakota Fanning, Jim Carrey's Me, Myself and Irene and even some television series like Heroes has one of it's characters as a person with split personalities displaying the other one to be very dangerous to the classic Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

An artist's impression of Split personality
Whether these people do exist or is it only to our imaginations. One thing is for sure our Mind can make us a different person thus creating a split personality. The truth is there are two faces on every coin...right?..It is good to have two personalities but make them work together it doesn't have to be totally different. The bottom line is you have to be daring to make it work. Make what work? Your dreams. Your big break to the future. Your greatest dedire to fulfillment. Your.....i don't have to go on, this blog will be boring. (Where was I?...ah yes. Don't be afraid to venture into new zones. Continents were discovered and mapped by daring captains who have crossed the uncharrted waters with daring crews while some may have no experince of sailing the high seas some can't even swim an even greater example is the journey to the moon, with no concrete detail about how safe the suit is and the atmosphere or the shuttle everything is based on theory and minimum research but something lurred them to such expeditions. This is my favoutrite part...there is an ego, or curiosity in them but something i'd like to call "THE MAIN". Main chain is the significant reason behind it all, the only reason why you are pushing hard it can be based on your experience or past something you do not want to repeat.
The Main Chain will always be your prime focus why you are pursuing your dream. I will talk more on that in my next post but for i hope I'm building your mindset.
Why do I need to change my Mindset?
Firstly- You don't have to change it you just need to adjust it.
3 Reasons Why?
- To achieve your goal by breaking that barrier in your life
- To be able to approach reality and face its disadvantages
- To grow with a positive attitude and learn from your downfalls
Its all about the change you give and the strength you gain.
How do i do it?
Everyone has their own style or ways. Remember everyone is a boss to their own minds right?...wrong
sometimes our minds do things by themselves known purely as pleasures. Okay cut the crap..the truth is
i can't tell you how to change your mindset. But i can help you the rest is up to you!!
I like to call this "BRAIN SAINTS".. and it works..
Ask yourself these questions and write it down in your notebook
1) Why am i reading this blog?
2) What will happen to me if i remain the same person?
3) What dreams do i have and want to achieve?
4) Why am i determine to chase my goals?
Answer those BRAIN SAINTS questions truthfully and write as many answers as you can you will see your are building a cycle of thoughts. Keep your notes and refer to it every time you think life is not working out for you or if you have doubts about chasing your dreams. Add your own questions and also share it with us by posting your comments below.

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