If i were to choose a material machanism that depicts the aspects of LIFE i'd surely choose a 'BICYCLE'.
I love evrything with wheels from the simple scooters, skateboards, rollarblades to cars and bicycle in the midst.
I chose bikes apart from everything else because it reminds me of life. One wheel can not work without the other and they both can't work together without
chains that links them together... but what good is it if no one padals it?.....
These wheels won't take you anywhere unless you give it a push or paddle. It is simple by nature but complex in design as we are stepping into a more modern world.
I'm not going to spend my time writing about bikes. I'm just saying we can use the material things around us and try to make sense of it in our lives.
Well like all my other posts, something triggered me to blog this in my net memory journal and share it with you. That something happened yesterday.
It was again a very hot sunny day, the heat was unbearable and the hospital was crowded i could only imagine those women standing together and rubbing each other's back while waiting for their turn to be measured and if all goes well one by one they are led to the little basicly equipped delivery room. All these women were sweating and tormented in their own 'joyful pain' as so called by my mom. Yes! i'm talking about heavily pregnant women and NO it's not me... I'am an an Aunt for the 4th time and my second brother is a dad for the 1st time.
It was the first time for me to be present at the hospital when a baby was born in our ever extending family. I did not wait in the delivery room...damnit if only i was a few minutes early i would probably be holdind my sister-in-law's hand as she gave birth but no... I sat outside on the concrete flower bed like everybody else but thanks to my ever entertaing cellphone i kept myself busy and boy...did the time flies by sooooo quickly.When my phone was flat i fibbled my thumbs, tapping my toes, oh how i longed for my ipod which a studip bitchy long distant cousin of mine lost in 2010 onlt 2 yrs after i bought it. I even counted the stars coz it was about 9:15pm. Way cooler than ealier today. The best thing is i get to watch my brother looking nervous, probably feeling agitated, dizzy from his long sleepless nights but most of all my thoughts turned to my sister-in-law in the labour ward with her mother. I can't imagine the pain she is feeling and the thoughts racing through her mind which is no doubt occupied by the status of the unborn child stirring wildly inside of her.
Anyways a friend of mine was also there the whole day because his grandpa was on life support. He told me that he felt sad knowing that the doctors say there's nothing they could do and that the best thing is to get the family around him. And and well basicly wait for the end. He told his granpa is really old and i could see the endless expression on his face as he skipped through diferent subjects to simply keep his mind off the fragile topic which is pretty much hard to avoid. I could see that he must be close to the old man.I thought about myself, I never get to know my grandparents my last grandparent died when i was barely 11 years old. All i have are but childhood memories some imprinted in me by my parents. I would've loved to know about the colonial days, the pagan ways, the old times and the traditions, probably i would be a pain in the butt for them when i'll be asking about the war and how they feel when they saw the bonbers, the white people and yellow people fighting...(japs and US)... I would be so glad just to see their wrinkled face break into a smile to my jokes. I would love to hear their advices for me. Most of all I would do anything to be their number 1 grandchile. Now i'm 22 yrs old and life goes on. I continue to push the paddle much faster while they slowed down. They do not need the brakes or the smooth road, although some times we want to change the tyres for them, out in new chains, grease it a bit, toned the tracks, it will change the fact that rider is not getting any better so we have to breath in and let it go.
My sister-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, her eyes are wide open suprisingly displaying her enormous brown pupil glancing the light for the first time and her nails are sharp with long fingers. Her hair my gosh were soft and brown poking out of her blanket. Although my brother wanted a boy I know he will build this bond to his little girl. 30 minutes later i was chatting wildly to my friend again who was also congratulating my brother. While we were chatting his brother came by and whispered something in his ear. He turned around and said "I thought it was some good news but, my granpa just died. Now he's in peace".We gave our sympathy as he strode of.
We welcomed a life as another leaves. Now my life bike is complete. We cannot live forever, just like visitors we are just passersby. Now a new rider will take the pedal and choose his/her own track untill they could not ride no more.
Welcome little one.... Rest In Peace old one.
Till then stay safe!!!