Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Welcome Drifterz and Dreamerz!!

Hey There!!
Welcome to this new blog. Yeah its new and you will see that i'm abit slow with my posting anwayz I know you are attracted to this blog for two reasons. 1) Just want to check out the new blog or 2) The tittle of this blog caught your eye. Hmmm can i just add a 3rd reason? Ok, you feel attached to the titled which means if you are reading this right now than you must be either a Dreamer or a Drifter..... Its not bad to be both!
In fact its good to be both.
In this blog I'm hoping to inspire readers to achieve their dream and take in life as a gift not for granted, its priceless and worth living.
I'm not a PhD grad or anything i'm barely 25 years of age but i hope to help trigger inspiration through you (readers) because the truth is i can't inspire people alone and behind the scene I'm also looking for inspiration. That is why this blog is for everyone.
So if you are a confused teenager or young adult or even a confused adult that is still willing to try out something new in this short life be my guest of honor to help me inspire people... like NOW!! Lol!!

So first in this 1st post I'll tell u how i got this idea which to me its out of my league.. I mean I'm not a pro blogger or anything anywayz, i dream about it. Yup i dream of a page in the internet that can help people achieve their goals kinda like people helping people through the power of words and pictures.
So there u go i said it and there's no turning back now coz its published. Now will u work with me to make this boat float?..... (i know u would why else would you be reading)...
Fingers crossed (4 me) lets make it happen!!